I have just watched the whole interview with Pavel Durov. What an interesting human. He is so far in front of most of us. He has over 900mil users with no advertising EVER! Why? He focused on his product functionality and privacy for users, NOTHING else. He has 30 hand-picked seal-type Engineers and nothing else in his base in Dubai. As I have always said, for small to medium businesses, sales makes your brand. Forget the marketing budget, make the product the BEST, and watch the doors open. For an old IT salesman of many years, this was a wonderful eye-opener.

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I too am disturbed by this development, but not surprised. It is just another nail in the coffin of mankind as we knew it. We are in a brave new world of manipulated truth. We must be discerning and prepared to defend our faith. It is not about circumstance, but about our spiritual acuity.

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If this doesn’t scare the shit out of you, it shows you are blind, an idiot, or a Leftist.

Guess that’s all redundant, huh?

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Doubling down on SubStack AND Telegram!!!

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Disclaimer - it might be a way to keep him off FSB and SVR

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