This sounds like an amazing study! I’m going through a BSF Revelation study right now but am so frustrated that our discussion leader doesn’t discuss any of the questions that we’ve spent six days answering (when I hear other’s answers, I get such a bigger perspective on things). Prayers appreciated!

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I learned today that my Bible study discussion format changed, and that’s why we’re not discussing our questions. They’re doing a 3-question method now, a fact, a lesson, and an application from the scripture reading.

I realized I’m in the right place when I was reading to my 6 year old in her Bible tonight (she’s learning the same thing as I am, but at her level). We were reading Revelation 1 (her Bible has an illustration of Jesus and the 7 lampstands). She’s just learning to read. She was remembering her lesson from a couple of weeks ago, and read that “His eyes were like blazing fire…and His face was like the shining sun”!! ❤️. God answers prayer!🙏 🙌

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That sounds like fun. I loved working with my kids

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Prayers your direction!!!

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