Thank you! This podcast was for me! It is scary to act on a belief of hearing God‘s voice, and you didn’t hear it right with all sincerity and love and conviction! 🙋‍♀️ I just experienced it this weekend! But God was faithful and was able to correct the after effect with great mercy and love! But it is sad when so many people walk around and saying, God told me this God told me that ! And then find out they’re not reading their Bible. They’re not taking time to pray and they’re speaking from their own fears or convictions, not based on scripture . God does speak! And I know it’s gonna take time, discernment and wisdom to develop this relationship to be able to be right more than wrong when you’re desperately following God. But it’s so much fun watching brand new Christians step out in faith and trust God and change their hearts and situations!

And I look forward to the trumpet sound every morning! Thank you for choosing that beautiful trumpet sound! I recently learned about two years ago how to call my spirit to attention just for asking God to do it! And it’s been a beautiful relationship building concept too.. but your trumpet is like a stop and I feel the presence of God and I just call out and say spirit let me hear you and it’s just the most beautiful thing every morning! And I’m really glad you post around 4:15 am. Because that’s when our alarm clocks go off! Of course on the weekend it doesn’t go off early so I’ll listen to it around the time I get up instead of at 4:30! Thank you thank you so much for being a blessing in my spiritual walk. 🔥🙌👑🙌💜🦋

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Thank you as well!

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