MyR2B Ministries
The Power of God's Whisper Podcast is a dedicated division of My Reasons To Believe Ministries (MyR2B Ministries), strategically located on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. At MyR2B, we adhere to the most exceptional standards in all our endeavors, rooted firmly in our commitment to serve and glorify Jesus Christ.
We firmly believe that the essence of a successful ministry lies not only in achieving goals but also in the process we employ to reach those goals. To us, the journey is as crucial as the destination - a belief firmly grounded in our faith. We hold that the means by which we serve God should never be compromised for the sake of achieving an end. The quality of our ministry reflects directly upon His name, which is why we approach every task with utmost care and diligence.
The teachings of the Bible, as seen in the lessons from Moses (Numbers 20:8-13) and David alongside Uzzah (2 Samuel 6), serve as our guiding principles. We learn that any ministry that is conducted in a manner inconsistent with the scripture not only dishonors God but also misrepresents Him.
Hence, we strive to ensure that each aspect of our ministry aligns with the attributes mentioned above. We firmly believe that anything less is not only unacceptable but also unworthy of our involvement. More critically, any ministry that falls short of these standards is, in our view, likely devoid of God's involvement and dishonoring to Him.
Our commitment to these principles is unwavering, and we are steadfast in our mission to serve God and His people through the Power of God's Whisper Podcast, a platform where faith, devotion, and a commitment to excellence converge.
Publishing Schedule
Here is my current publishing schedule.
5:00 am - Whisper Podcast
6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm - Messages From God
5:00 am - Whisper Podcast
6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm - Messages From God
10:00 am - Voices From The Bible
5:00 am - Whisper Podcast
6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm - Messages From God
5:00 pm - RightNow Media: Suggested Training Series
5:00 am - Whisper Podcast
6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm - Messages From God
10:00 am - Voices From The Bible
5:00 am - Whisper Podcast
6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm - Messages From God
5:00 pm - RightNow Media: Suggested Training Series
5:00 am - Whisper Podcast
6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm - Messages From God
10:00 am - Voices From The Bible
5:00 am - Whisper Podcast
6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm - Messages From God
Subscribe to receive each article every morning to help you start your day focused on the One who makes your life possible.
The Power Of God’s Whisper Podcast
Our podcast, "The Power of God's Whisper," is an excellent way to train your ear to hear God's voice. With teachings, stories, and experiences that aim to help listeners experience God's presence in their lives, this podcast offers practical steps on how to respond when you hear God's voice. By learning how to listen for His voice, you'll experience more intimacy with God.
Messages From God
If you're looking for a personalized devotional tool that can provide daily messages written from actual scripture and crafted in the first person, then "God Messaged Me" is a perfect choice. These daily messages give you the experience of God speaking directly to you, offering guidance, inspiration, and comfort. With the convenience of having these messages delivered directly to your device, you can easily fit daily devotions into your busy schedule.
My name is Matthew Adams and I am one of the co-founders of "My Reasons To Believe" (MyR2B). And I would like to share my testimony as to why I believe and why MyR2B.
First I would like to start off by saying I was not raised a Christian. I was told when I could first understand words...was that I was a Catholic. All I knew was that during Easter, Christmas, and several other days of the year I had to put on these special clothes I could not play in, go to a place that smelled funny, (I think it was because it was filled with a BUNCH of old people that liked to talk to me like I was not there.
Okay...let's skip a few years...🚴🏼♂️🚴🏼♂️🚴🏼♂️
It was 1992 and we went to a home bible study at a friend's home. Our oldest (Steven) was almost two, and Michael was still an infant.
Michelle was taking the kids in and I was putting the stroller away. Steven ran past me to say, "Hi", to everyone. When I opened the closet door a voice came out of nowhere, "Matthew...Go Out The Back Door!" It startled me. I looked around and assumed it was one of my friends "pranking" I continued.
Again, (but louder) "Matthew...Go Out The Back Door...NOW!"
I snapped to attention and said, "Okay!" So I looked down the hall where the back door was located...and it was ajar. The VERY SECOND I look around the corner...I saw my son disappear below the surface of a dead ground-level jacuzzi. It was covered in bubble wrap and also covered with leaves. It was invisible to the eye.
If I had not listened to THE VOICE, my son would not be here today. If I had hesitated just one more second...he would have died. This is MY TESTIMONY.
DISCLAIMER: Some have asked...why would God do that to your son? What was He trying to prove?
PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS! God did not lead my son to the water. Satan did. Satan tried to take out my son...and God prevented it.
God...has nothing to prove. is now used for His glory and proof of His love.
Statement of Faith
The Holy Bible, and only the Bible, is the authoritative Word of God. There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and co-eternal. Jesus Christ is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. On earth, Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. He is the only man ever to have lived a sinless life. He was born of a virgin, performed miracles, died on the cross for mankind, and thus atoned for our sins through the shedding of His blood. He rose from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return again in power and glory. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ: His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not a result of our good works or of any human efforts.