My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
24-294 A Love Letter From God

24-294 A Love Letter From God

TODAY'S FOCUS IS: Walking Confidently in the Gift of Teaching Through Relationship with the Holy Spirit

My Beloved Teacher,

I have placed within you a gift, a beautiful and powerful calling—to teach My Word and My truth to others. I’ve entrusted you with this gift because I know that your heart longs to share what you learn from Me, to bring light where there is darkness, and to bring understanding where there is confusion. But remember this, My child: Teaching is not about simply passing along knowledge. It is about revealing My heart. And you cannot do that in your own strength or wisdom. That’s why I have given you My Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to walk with you and guide you in every step of your journey.

I want you to know that the Holy Spirit is your constant Companion, and through Him, you have everything you need to walk confidently in your calling as a teacher. Remember what My Word says: "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you" (John 14:26). You are not alone in this. The Spirit who dwells in you is the ultimate Teacher, the One who reveals My heart, My wisdom, and My truth.

To walk confidently in the gift of teaching, you need to cultivate a close, ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit. Seek His guidance daily. Allow Him to open your eyes to the depths of My Word and the riches of My truth. He will illuminate the Scriptures for you, giving you fresh insights and deeper understanding—not just for yourself but for those you teach. Let Him be the One who prepares your lessons, and who speaks through you as you share My truth.

Be sensitive to His leading. Sometimes, you will prepare a message or a lesson with great care, but in the moment, the Holy Spirit may direct you to speak something different. Trust Him when that happens. He knows the hearts of those who are listening, and He knows exactly what they need. Let Him flow through you, letting go of your own plans if needed, so that you can be a vessel of My grace and truth to those around you.

My Spirit will also empower you to teach with love, humility, and compassion. Remember that teaching My Word is not just about imparting knowledge but about transforming lives. The Holy Spirit will give you the ability to see beyond the surface—to see into the hearts of those you teach and to speak directly to their needs, their questions, and their struggles. He will fill your words with grace and power, so that My truth can take root in their lives and bear fruit.

And when you face challenges—when doubts arise, when your words seem to fall on deaf ears, or when you feel unworthy of the task—know that My Spirit is there to encourage and strengthen you. "The Spirit helps us in our weakness" (Romans 8:26). You are not called to rely on your own ability or eloquence; you are called to lean on My Spirit. He will give you the boldness, the wisdom, and the grace to teach with confidence and authority.

Stay close to Him. Spend time in prayer and worship. Ask Him to fill you, guide you, and equip you for every opportunity to teach. The more you seek His presence, the more you will find that He equips you to fulfill your calling. You will see that it is not by your strength or skill, but by the Spirit that My Word will be shared, understood, and lived out.

So walk boldly in the gift of teaching that I’ve given you. Keep your heart open to the Holy Spirit, and He will lead you into all truth. Let Him speak through you, and My Word will become life and light to those you teach. Remember, you are not just teaching information; you are teaching transformation. You are revealing Me.

With endless love and support,
Your Heavenly Father

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My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
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