My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
24-284 Apostolic Authority: Leading and Serving with Christ’s Power

24-284 Apostolic Authority: Leading and Serving with Christ’s Power

TODAY'S FOCUS IS: The 21 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Series: Apostleship Part 4

In today’s episode, we dive into the nature of apostolic authority as described in 2 Corinthians 10:8, examining how apostles are empowered to lead and serve with a unique blend of authority and humility. We'll discuss the responsibilities that come with this authority and how it should be used to build up the church.

Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 2 Corinthians 10:8: "So even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than tearing you down, I will not be ashamed of it."

Paul’s words highlight the purpose of apostolic authority—not to dominate but to constructively build and edify the body of Christ.

Apostolic authority is a significant aspect of church leadership, providing the foundation for guidance, correction, and encouragement within the community. This episode explores the dual nature of this authority: its powerful capacity for leadership and its humble commitment to service.

Walking in Apostolic Authority with Humility and Purpose:

  1. Purpose-Driven Authority: Apostolic authority is granted by Christ not for personal gain but for the spiritual and communal growth of the church.

  2. Humility in Leadership: True apostolic leadership mirrors Jesus’ model of servant leadership, where power is exercised with humility and love.

The Role of Apostles in Leading, Serving, and Equipping:

  • Leadership: Apostles lead by setting doctrinal truths, guiding the church through challenges, and visionary planning for the future.

  • Service: Their service manifests in their dedication to the needs of the church, often prioritizing the welfare of the community over personal desires.

  • Equipping Others: One of the primary roles of an apostle is to equip the saints for the work of ministry, empowering individuals to fulfill their own callings.

Guidance on Maintaining a Balance of Leadership and Humility:

  • Self-Awareness: Regular self-reflection helps apostles assess their motives and methods, ensuring their actions reflect Christ’s love and humility.

  • Accountability: Having a circle of accountability, including peers and mentors, ensures that apostolic authority is exercised wisely and with integrity.

  • Continual Learning: Commitment to ongoing personal and spiritual development is crucial for apostles to grow in their roles effectively.


Apostolic authority, when grounded in the example of Christ, is a powerful tool for building up the church. Apostles are called to lead with conviction yet serve with humility, ensuring their authority blesses and uplifts the community.

A Question of the Day: How can church leaders today apply apostolic principles of authority and humility in their own ministries?

Growth Challenge: Identify areas in your leadership or service where you can better embody the principles of apostolic authority. Plan actionable steps to enhance your leadership style to be more in line with apostolic servanthood and humility.

Let’s Pray: Lord, grant us the wisdom and grace to handle the authority You give us with the humility and strength that reflects Your heart. Help us to use our positions to uplift, serve, and strengthen the body of Christ, never straying from the path of servant leadership You demonstrated. Amen.

As we continue to navigate our roles within the church, let us always seek to reflect Christ’s authority and humility in all that we do. Lead boldly, serve humbly, and build faithfully. Let’s get to work.

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