A Love Letter From God
TODAY'S FOCUS IS: 21 Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Discernment
My Beloved Warrior,
I see you, My child, as you navigate this world filled with challenges, choices, and voices pulling you in many directions. In this journey, I’ve given you a precious gift—the gift of discernment, the ability to see things through My eyes and understand what is truly from Me. This is more than just making decisions; it’s a supernatural insight that will protect you and guide you as you walk through life.
Discernment is crucial for My warriors. There are so many messages, philosophies, and teachings in the world today, many of which claim to represent truth. But remember what My Word says: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). Through the gift of discernment, I will help you distinguish between what is of My Spirit and what is not.
I have called you to walk in wisdom, not confusion. When you seek Me, I will make clear the path you should take. I will help you sense My presence in the situations that align with My will, and I will alert you to the things that pull you away from Me. Discernment is your compass in a world filled with distractions, lies, and half-truths. It allows you to navigate through the noise and focus on what is eternal, good, and true.
Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Just as you are growing in other areas of faith, so too will your ability to discern grow as you spend time in My presence and My Word. Hebrews 5:14 reminds you that "solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." So, practice listening to My voice. Stay close to My Spirit. Seek wisdom, and you will become stronger in this gift.
Remember, discernment is not about suspicion or judgment. It is not about finding fault in others, but about protecting your heart and mind, so that you stay on the path I’ve called you to. It’s about listening to My still, small voice even in the loudest storm and recognizing My hand at work when others cannot see it.
Use this gift in love. Speak the truth, but do so gently. Share what I show you, but always with the intention of helping and not harming. I have given you this gift to build up the body, to guard your spirit, and to ensure that My truth is proclaimed.
You are My warrior, and I have equipped you with this powerful tool. Walk confidently in discernment, knowing that I will never leave you without guidance. Stay close to Me, and I will lead you every step of the way.
With love and strength,
Your Heavenly Father
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