My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
24-269 Trusting the Process: Obeying the Promptings of the Spirit

24-269 Trusting the Process: Obeying the Promptings of the Spirit

TODAY'S FOCUS IS: 21 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Series: Discernment Part 3

In today’s episode, we explore the essential role of obedience in the context of spiritual discernment, guided by the transformative advice from Romans 12:2. We'll discuss the challenges and rewards of acting on the discernment received from the Holy Spirit, particularly when it calls us to step out in faith and make decisions that align with God’s will.

Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

This verse reminds us of the importance of a mind renewed by God’s Word, which is crucial for discerning and following His will.

Discernment is more than just understanding the right path; it's about having the courage and willingness to walk that path, even when it diverges from conventional wisdom or personal desires.

The Role of Obedience in Discernment:

  1. Active Response: Discernment requires not just passive recognition but active response. When God reveals His will, it demands our obedience, which is often a faith-filled step into the unknown.

  2. Spiritual Growth: Each act of obedience based on divine discernment strengthens our faith and deepens our relationship with God, helping us become more attuned to His leading in the future.

Obedience to God’s Discernment and Stepping Out in Faith:

  • Facing Uncertainty: Obedience in discernment often involves making choices without seeing the full picture, trusting that God’s perspective is expansive and His plans are for our good.

  • Risk and Reward: While stepping out based on discernment can feel risky, it is often in these moments that we experience God’s power and provision most profoundly.

Practical Examples of Applying Discernment in Decision-Making:

  • Personal Decisions: Whether choosing a career, making financial investments, or forming relationships, apply discernment to ensure that your decisions align with God’s principles and His overarching plan for your life.

  • Community and Ministry: In church leadership or community service, use discernment to navigate complex issues, recognizing when and how to take stands that may be counter-cultural but are biblically grounded.


Obeying the promptings of the Spirit is a dynamic part of the Christian faith that tests our trust in God but also leads to profound spiritual maturity and fulfillment. It’s about trusting that His will is good, pleasing, and perfect—even when it challenges us.

A Question of the Day: What decision are you facing right now where you need to apply discernment and step out in obedience?

Growth Challenge: Identify a decision you have been postponing because it requires a leap of faith. Spend time in prayer and Scripture this week seeking God’s will. Commit to making the decision based on what you discern, and take at least one actionable step by the end of the week.

Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, give us the strength to obey Your will once we discern it. Help us to trust in Your perfect plan, even when it leads us through challenging or unfamiliar paths. May our minds be continually renewed by Your Word so that we can discern and follow Your will with confidence and faith. Amen.

As you move forward this week, embrace the challenge of living out what you discern. Remember, discernment is not just about understanding God’s will but actively participating in it. Let your steps be bold and your faith strong. Let’s get to work.

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