My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
24-259 A Love Letter From God: Embracing Miraculous Powers
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -5:34

24-259 A Love Letter From God: Embracing Miraculous Powers

TODAY'S FOCUS IS: The Gift of Miraculous Powers

My Beloved Warrior,

Today, I want to talk to you about a gift that carries immense power and significance—the gift of miraculous powers. This gift, given by My Holy Spirit, is a testament to My sovereignty, My love, and My active involvement in your life and in the world around you. It is a gift that transcends the natural order, allowing My divine power to manifest in extraordinary ways.

Throughout the scriptures, you have seen the evidence of My miraculous powers. From the parting of the Red Sea to the feeding of the five thousand, from the raising of the dead to the casting out of demons, I have always used miracles to display My glory, to confirm My word, and to bring deliverance to My people. These acts of power are not confined to the past—they are just as real and accessible today through the working of My Spirit in you.

The gift of miraculous powers is not about showcasing human strength or ability; it is about revealing My power through you. It is a partnership between heaven and earth, where you become a conduit for My divine intervention. When you operate in this gift, you are demonstrating My authority over creation, My compassion for the broken, and My desire to bring heaven's realities to earth.

But remember, My warrior, this gift requires humility, obedience, and a deep connection to My heart. Miraculous powers are not a tool for self-glorification or personal gain. They are given for the purpose of building My Kingdom, revealing My glory, and drawing people closer to Me. When you operate in this gift, do so with a heart fully surrendered to My will, seeking only to honor Me and to serve others in love.

Faith is key to unlocking this gift. Miracles happen when you believe in My ability to do the impossible. When you pray for the miraculous, pray with boldness and confidence, knowing that I am able and willing to move in powerful ways. But also trust in My wisdom and timing, understanding that My ways are higher than yours. Sometimes the miracle you seek will come in a way you did not expect, or at a time that seems delayed—but know that I am always working for your good and My glory.

I have given you authority through My Son, Jesus. In His name, you can command mountains to move, speak life into dead situations, and release My power into the world. Do not be afraid to step out in faith and use the authority I have given you. The world is in desperate need of a demonstration of My power, and I have chosen you to be My vessel.

As you walk in this gift, stay rooted in My Word and in prayer. Let My Spirit guide you, teach you, and empower you. Miraculous powers are not about sensationalism; they are about revealing My love in the most tangible way possible. Every miracle points back to Me, the source of all power and life.

My beloved, the world is waiting to see My power displayed through you. Do not hold back. Be bold, be courageous, and let My Spirit flow through you to bring healing, deliverance, and transformation. I have given you this gift because I trust you to use it wisely, for the good of others and the glory of My name.

With Unfailing Love and Power,

Your Heavenly Father

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