My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
24-249 Hands and Hearts: Practical Steps in Ministering Healing

24-249 Hands and Hearts: Practical Steps in Ministering Healing

TODAY'S FOCUS IS: 21 Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Healing - Part 4

In this episode, we delve into the practical aspects of ministering healing, guided by the instructions in James 5:14-15. We will explore how prayer, anointing, and faith play crucial roles in the healing process and provide actionable guidance for those called to this powerful ministry.

Our springboard for today’s discussion is: James 5:14-15: "Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up."

This scripture highlights the community’s role in healing and underscores the power of faith-filled prayer.

The act of healing is a profound demonstration of God’s love and power. By following biblical guidelines and embracing the Holy Spirit’s guidance, believers can effectively minister healing to those in need.

Practical Ways to Minister Healing:

  1. Prayer for Healing:

    • Gather Believers: As instructed in James, involve other believers who are mature in faith to join in prayer. There is power in the agreement of the faithful.

    • Pray with Authority: Pray with the authority given by Jesus Christ, trusting in His promises for healing and restoration.

  2. Anointing with Oil:

    • Biblical Basis: Anointing with oil has been a symbol of setting someone apart for God’s special attention and care. It represents the Holy Spirit’s presence and work in the healing process.

    • Practical Steps: Use oil as a point of contact for faith. Pray over the oil and apply it to the sick person’s forehead as you pray for their healing.

  3. Faith in Action:

    • Expect God to Move: Approach each situation with expectancy, believing in the effectiveness of God’s power to heal.

    • Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit: Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers and actions, being open to His promptings and directions.

Approaching Situations Requiring Healing:

  • Respect and Sensitivity: Always approach each situation with respect for the individual's condition and sensitivity to their circumstances and desires.

  • Consent: Ensure that the person is comfortable with being prayed over and anointed, respecting their wishes and boundaries.

  • Continuous Support: Offer continued prayer and support regardless of the immediate outcome. Healing may be a process rather than an instantaneous event.


Ministering healing is a sacred task that combines faith, prayer, and practical action. By aligning our practices with biblical teachings and remaining sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can serve as effective conduits of God’s healing power.

A Question of the Day: What steps can you take to prepare yourself spiritually and practically for ministering healing?

Growth Challenge: This week, seek out opportunities to pray for healing. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a situation in your community, take the initiative to offer prayer and anointing. Reflect on your experiences and consider how you can grow in this ministry.

Let’s Pray: Father, we thank You for the privilege to be Your hands and hearts on earth. Equip us with wisdom, sensitivity, and faith as we minister healing to those around us. May our actions reflect Your compassion and power, and may each prayer bring glory to Your name. Amen.

As we step out to minister healing, remember that we are vessels of God’s grace. Keep your heart open, your faith strong, and your hands ready to serve. Let’s bring God’s healing to the world, one prayer at a time. Let’s get to work.

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My Reasons To Believe
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