My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
24-211 Understanding the Language of God: How Does God Speak Today?

24-211 Understanding the Language of God: How Does God Speak Today?

TODAY'S FOCUS IS: Exploring the Modern Ways God Communicates

Welcome Warriors…today, we're diving deep into understanding how God speaks to us in our modern world. Some folks think that God only talked to people back in biblical times, but that's just not true. Our God is alive and well, and His voice is as clear today as it was then.

Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Hebrews 1:1-2 - "In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe."

Now, let's break this down. God has always used different methods to communicate. Think about Moses and the burning bush, or Elijah hearing that gentle whisper. But how does He speak to us in our busy, modern lives?

Scripture: The Timeless Voice

First off, we have the Bible. This isn't just any book; it's God's voice written down and preserved through the ages. When you read the Bible, you're opening a direct line to God. Just like Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." So, when you sit down with your Bible, remember, God's speaking to you through those pages.

Prayer: The Conversation with God

Next, there's prayer. Think of it as your direct conversation with God. Jesus often went off to pray, finding that quiet time to talk and listen to the Father. In Luke 5:16, it says Jesus withdrew to lonely places and prayed. In our own prayer time, we can hear God's heart, feel His peace, and get clear direction. It’s in these moments that God whispers His love and guidance to us.

Circumstances: God’s Hand in Our Lives

God also speaks through our circumstances. Look at Joseph’s life, from being sold into slavery to becoming a top advisor in Egypt. God was at work in every twist and turn of his life. And the same goes for us today. When you’re going through tough times or even celebrating victories, ask yourself, "What is God teaching me in this season?" You’ll find that God is speaking to you through your life events.

People: Messengers of God’s Wisdom

God often uses people to deliver His messages. Think about prophets like Samuel and Nathan. Today, it could be your pastor, a mentor, or even a friend who brings you a word of wisdom. When someone gives you advice or speaks into your life, ask yourself if it might be God speaking through them.

The Holy Spirit: Our Daily Guide

And let’s not forget the Holy Spirit. In the early church, the Holy Spirit was a constant guide. Acts 13:2-4 talks about the Spirit directing the early Christians in their missions. Today, the Holy Spirit prompts us, guides our decisions, convicts us of sin, and comforts us in our struggles. It’s often a still, small voice that prompts us to act according to God’s will.

Steps That You Can Take:

Now, let’s talk about some steps you can take to hear God’s voice more clearly.

1. Make Time for Prayer and Reflection

First, set aside specific times each day for prayer and reflection. Jesus told us in Matthew 6:6 to find a quiet place to pray, away from distractions. Create a sacred space where you can meet with God regularly. In these moments of stillness, practice listening. Don’t rush; silence your thoughts and focus on God's presence. As you cultivate this habit, you’ll begin to recognize His voice more clearly.

2. Dive into Scripture

Second, make daily Bible reading a habit. The Bible is God’s written word, alive and active, speaking to us today. Focus on scriptures that highlight God's communication with His people, like the stories of Samuel or Moses. As you read, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His message to you. Keep a journal to note how the scriptures speak to you personally and reflect on these insights regularly.

3. Be Open to God’s Guidance in Daily Life

Finally, be open to God’s guidance in your daily life. God often speaks through our experiences and interactions. Romans 8:28 reminds us that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him. Reflect on your life events and ask God to reveal His will through them. Stay open to the Holy Spirit's promptings, which might come through a sense of peace, urgency, or conviction. Confirm these prompts through prayer and scripture.


Warriors, God’s voice is alive and active today just as it was in biblical times. By immersing ourselves in prayer, scripture, and remaining attentive to the Holy Spirit, we can discern His voice in our lives. Let’s continue to seek Him earnestly, trusting that He will guide us every step of the way.

Question of the Day: How have you experienced God's voice in your life recently?

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for being a God who speaks. Open our hearts and minds to recognize Your voice in our daily lives. Teach us to be still, to listen, and to respond with faith and obedience. Guide us through Your Holy Spirit, and let us always walk in Your will. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Warriors, stay vigilant, stay prayerful, and always be ready to listen. Let’s embrace the journey of hearing and following God's voice. Let's get to work.

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My Reasons To Believe
The Power Of God's Whisper Podcast
You're struggling to hear God's voice in your everyday life. You may feel distant from Him and unsure of how to draw closer.
Our podcast, "The Power of God's Whisper", will help train your ear to hear God's voice and provide practical steps on how to respond when you hear it. By learning how to listen for His voice, you will experience more intimacy with God..