24-085 From Death to Life: A Letter from Lazarus

Holy Week - Day 1: Witnessing the Power of Jesus' Resurrection

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Dear Faithful Ones Across the Ages,

My name is Lazarus, once bound by the grave's cold embrace, now writing to you as a living testament to the unmatched power and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am compelled by love and gratitude to share with you not just my story, but the profound truths that my experience unveils about our Savior.

I was the seventh sign, a profound miracle that Jesus performed, as recorded by my dear friend John. Each miracle was a beacon, illuminating the path to belief in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. It is written, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31). My resurrection from the dead stands as the crescendo of these signs, a powerful declaration of Jesus’ authority over life and death.

The journey to this truth began at a wedding in Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine, signaling the inauguration of a new covenant, rich in joy and abundance. It was here that Jesus first revealed His glory, prompting his disciples to believe in Him (John 2:11).

As I recall my own story, it intertwines with the narrative of a royal official whose son was healed by Jesus’ mere word, a demonstration of His sovereign authority even from a distance (John 4:50-53). This sign, among others, beckons us to trust in Jesus' power and His caring involvement in our lives.

The healing at the Pool of Bethesda stands as a testament to Jesus’ compassion and the breaking of shackles that bind humanity - be they physical infirmity or the rigid legalism that so often ensnares us (John 5:8-9). His question to the invalid, "Do you want to get well?" (John 5:6), echoes through the ages, probing the depths of our hearts and our openness to His transformative touch.

The feeding of the five thousand with five loaves and two fish revealed Jesus as the Bread of Life, meeting our deepest needs and satisfying our soul's hunger with Himself (John 6:35). In this miraculous sign, we see His provision and care, reminding us that in Him, we lack nothing.

When Jesus walked on water, He revealed His mastery over creation, inviting us to place our faith in Him, the one who calms the storms of life (John 6:19-20). Peter's brief venture upon the waves with Jesus underscores the invitation to step out in faith, keeping our eyes fixed on Him.

The healing of the man born blind opened not just physical eyes but spiritual ones as well, challenging us to see Jesus for who He truly is – the Light of the World, dispelling darkness and granting us true sight (John 9:5-7).

And then there was me, Lazarus, dead four days, bound and sealed in a tomb. My sisters, Mary and Martha, mourned, yet held onto a sliver of hope in Jesus. His declaration, "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25), was not just a comforting statement but a declaration of divine authority. When He called me forth from the grave, it was a vivid demonstration that in Him, death has lost its sting, and life eternal is offered to all who believe.

My dear brothers and sisters, I stand before you, not just as Lazarus who was dead, but as a living declaration of Jesus' victory over death. The grave could not hold me, not because of any merit of my own, but because the Author of Life commanded my release.

This Jesus, who wept at my tomb, who calls each of us by name, is not confined to the pages of history. He is alive, actively calling us into a relationship with Him, into the fullness of life that only He can give.

As one who has crossed from death to life at His command, I implore you to believe in Him. To trust Him not only with your earthly days but with your eternal destiny. For in believing, you will find life in His name – a life marked by freedom, joy, and an unshakeable hope.

With deepest affection and shared hope,

Lazarus, a witness to the Resurrection and the Life

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